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These 62 comments are related to an article called:

We must show respect

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posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Mack (U6574)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 43 seconds ago
If Villa lose tonight, surely Ange will have Top 4 back on the agenda?

Spurs will beat city then lose in Sheffield

You just know it’s happening


posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 48 minutes ago
If Villa lose tonight, surely Ange will have Top 4 back on the agenda?

It never left the agenda

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 48 minutes ago
If Villa lose tonight, surely Ange will have Top 4 back on the agenda?

It never left the agenda

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Romeo Golf Kilo (U22964)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago
What a pathetic article

Spurs fans need to set aside their rivalry and do on Tuesday what any proper fan would do - support their team to win.

If you would rather see a bunch of cheats win the league than see your own team beat those cheats in a match then you nned to take a long hard look at yourselves, and ask yourselves why you actually follow football, and why you support Spurs.

You should do the same thing if comments on the Internet from people they've never met would hurt them enough to hope for a bunch of cheats to beat your own team.
Keep telling yourself that

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Surely its a bit academic. Cannot see Pool being motivated for the Villa game. They cannot finish higher or lower than where they are so players minds will be on the beach already and you cannot change that or motivate the players if they are. None of them will want to pick up any silly injuries pre the Euros either.

Villa have all the motivation they need win or draw and they are in the CL.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

We will lose tonight, mickey's always do well here and no pressure on them.

Villa are out of gas completely.

Then you have tomorrow and the weekend.

Tomorrow is the key, we lose you win and its yours. You draw and rack up a bucket load against the blades and its probably yours.

You lose tomorrow its ours.

At the end of the day I am not sure how many of each teams fans want the Champions League as neither anywhere near strong enough at the moment.

Europa seems more realistic.


posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

SO the most palatable outcome is probably Villa losing by a few to LFC, and also by a couple to Palace, knocking say 5 off their current GD.

We draw vs City and its then down to us to put at least 3 passed Sheff Utd and we'd get 4th on goals scored, or head to head, whatever teh first measure is.

So Spurs fans are big Liverpool fans tonight.

Draw vs City and rely on them thrashing West Ham, who have the 4th worst defence in the league, to win the league on GD.

Arsenal have Everton, who actually have the 4 best defence in the league. (Got a feeling Arsenal may bottle their last game, anyway)

Palace beat Villa and we thrash Sheff Utd

Everyone's happy bar the Goooons

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

I've got to be honest, if Villa lose tonight, I'm all in on Spurs beating City on Tuesday. If it's the difference between qualifying for the CL or not then we have to focus on ourselves. I don't want Arsenal to win the league but I'm more focused on what we're doing more.

If Villa win against Liverpool then by all means, I'm happy for us to throw the City game as I'm sure we'll pick something up against Sheff United to guarantee Europa League.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that some fans, most fans, want City to beat us, regardless of the consequences. Getting CL football gives us a great grounding for recruitment and shouldn't be ignored. What they get up to across the road I really couldn't give a damn about. They're on another level anyway so even attempting to define our season by sabotaging theirs is the very definition of small time mentality. It's what we're looking to avoid going forward. If there's only 3 points available and no European gain then fair enough, but all the time CL is on the table, we should be going for it.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago


posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 9 minutes ago
I've got to be honest, if Villa lose tonight, I'm all in on Spurs beating City on Tuesday. If it's the difference between qualifying for the CL or not then we have to focus on ourselves. I don't want Arsenal to win the league but I'm more focused on what we're doing more.

If Villa win against Liverpool then by all means, I'm happy for us to throw the City game as I'm sure we'll pick something up against Sheff United to guarantee Europa League.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that some fans, most fans, want City to beat us, regardless of the consequences. Getting CL football gives us a great grounding for recruitment and shouldn't be ignored. What they get up to across the road I really couldn't give a damn about. They're on another level anyway so even attempting to define our season by sabotaging theirs is the very definition of small time mentality. It's what we're looking to avoid going forward. If there's only 3 points available and no European gain then fair enough, but all the time CL is on the table, we should be going for it.

We will be going for it. There is no question about that whatsoever.

It's a win win though, a loss would be very disappointing but would have the loveliest of silver linings

I just want to see us improve and get back to the higher levels we saw in the early season, in terms of individual and team performances. That still may not be enough to stop the City juggernaut, especially missing a couple key players.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Spurs must win

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 9 minutes ago
I've got to be honest, if Villa lose tonight, I'm all in on Spurs beating City on Tuesday. If it's the difference between qualifying for the CL or not then we have to focus on ourselves. I don't want Arsenal to win the league but I'm more focused on what we're doing more.

If Villa win against Liverpool then by all means, I'm happy for us to throw the City game as I'm sure we'll pick something up against Sheff United to guarantee Europa League.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that some fans, most fans, want City to beat us, regardless of the consequences. Getting CL football gives us a great grounding for recruitment and shouldn't be ignored. What they get up to across the road I really couldn't give a damn about. They're on another level anyway so even attempting to define our season by sabotaging theirs is the very definition of small time mentality. It's what we're looking to avoid going forward. If there's only 3 points available and no European gain then fair enough, but all the time CL is on the table, we should be going for it.

We will be going for it. There is no question about that whatsoever.

It's a win win though, a loss would be very disappointing but would have the loveliest of silver linings

I just want to see us improve and get back to the higher levels we saw in the early season, in terms of individual and team performances. That still may not be enough to stop the City juggernaut, especially missing a couple key players.
Exactly. We are too weak to even lay a glove on City. If a Conte or Jose were in charge I would have more confidence in maybe earning a point but with Angeball, no chance. We might grab a goal but after BJ, Son and Kulu who are our first choice forwards we have nothing due to injuries.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

I think it’ll be a draw tonight. Not sure of the scenario that presents though

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Don't care who wins the league... whoever is top next Sunday deserves it.

As for tomorrow, its gonna be 75 degrees and sunny so playing golf instead of watching Spurs get humped by City.

Tired of this Spurs team.... We simply don't learn or evolve..... WTF is wrong with a controlled 2-0 win at home against a team we are clearly better than.... We are playing stupid/ slapstick football either making games unnecessarily hard for ourselves or getting thoroughly battered because our tactics are naive and inept.

Spurs have thrown away the possibility of a top 4 finish and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Someone please tell Ange... It's not about "all out attacking football" its about winning football. You don't need to go out and trying to score 5 every game..... As we have seen we rarely do it and leave ourselves wide open.

Looking forward to the Euro's and some proper football

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago


posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Getting CL football gives us a great grounding for recruitment and shouldn't be ignored.

Yes and no. We can still attract good prospects from other clubs whilst being in the Europa like we did when we signed Romero, Kulu and Bentancur. We signed Richy for £60m when we qualified for the CL. Prices go up when you are CL.

And where we are right now we need to attract more players like Micky and Vic who were signed without any European football.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 28 minutes ago
Don't care who wins the league... whoever is top next Sunday deserves it.

As for tomorrow, its gonna be 75 degrees and sunny so playing golf instead of watching Spurs get humped by City.

Tired of this Spurs team.... We simply don't learn or evolve..... WTF is wrong with a controlled 2-0 win at home against a team we are clearly better than.... We are playing stupid/ slapstick football either making games unnecessarily hard for ourselves or getting thoroughly battered because our tactics are naive and inept.

Spurs have thrown away the possibility of a top 4 finish and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Someone please tell Ange... It's not about "all out attacking football" its about winning football. You don't need to go out and trying to score 5 every game..... As we have seen we rarely do it and leave ourselves wide open.

Looking forward to the Euro's and some proper football

I passed on your thoughts on to Ange and he said "please tell Spurs fans that you cannot transform a team that has been toxic and simply awful for a number of years into the finished article in a season We could have focussed this year on defending and bored you all senseless with a defence focussed approach to building foundations for the future, but instead we have worked on developing an attacking front foot approach, focussed on dominating the opposition, creating chances and scoring scoring and have delivered a record number of goals for Spurs fans to enjoy this season. We will continue to evolve next season and hope that we can meet you loft expectations."

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Dejan Kulusevski on tomorrow’s match vs Manchester City:

“I think we will absolutely be ready.”


Hasn’t been ready all season but the one game our fans want us to lose and he’s going to be ready. 😂

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
Dejan Kulusevski on tomorrow’s match vs Manchester City:

“I think we will absolutely be ready.”


Hasn’t been ready all season but the one game our fans want us to lose and he’s going to be ready. 😂

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 4 seconds ago
Dejan Kulusevski on tomorrow’s match vs Manchester City:

“I think we will absolutely be ready.”


Hasn’t been ready all season but the one game our fans want us to lose and he’s going to be ready. 😂
He'll be lucky to make the bench after Saturday's performance

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

That comment from Kulu just goes to show players are really mostly thick as shat. however in his defence that could be taken either way.... we are ready give city a game and they will have to beat us fair and square and we won't rollover for them or we are ready not to win thus not handing the enemy an advantage.

Me I'm not sure what I want and really am torn and 50/50 either way.

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

he knows what ready means

he's been practicing his own goals all week

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago


We’re a national story!

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by JimmyGreaves (U21183)
posted 6 minutes ago
That comment from Kulu just goes to show players are really mostly thick as shat. however in his defence that could be taken either way.... we are ready give city a game and they will have to beat us fair and square and we won't rollover for them or we are ready not to win thus not handing the enemy an advantage.

Me I'm not sure what I want and really am torn and 50/50 either way.

Yeah he is not going to say anything different lol

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Was just thinking..... knowing us... Villa will lose to Pool and we will beat City and Villa will lose on Sun as will we to Sheff.

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