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Man City v Wolves Match Thread

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posted on 8/5/24

comment by Wulfrunnut (U17298)
posted 24 minutes ago
Following up Spangles': "So we probably do need to sell at least one of our main assets to meet all those needs."

If only one, which main asset would we be willing to sell. We would have to balance the loss to the squad with the potential revenue received.

I suppose the candidates are Neto, Gomes, Kilman and Ait Nouri. Possibly Semedo or Cunha.

If I had to select one of those to lose, based on the criteria I have mentioned I think I would, reluctantly, choose Kilman.

What say the rest of you?
If we could get north of 50m for Neto then I'd say do that, Chiquino has been starring in Portugal (not the same standard I know) but he's similar in pace & dribbling, I'd also re-integrate Hoever as Semedo may not want to extend any further than the 12 months he has left - think we realistically need to try our hardest to keep Gomes& Ait Nouri tho

posted on 8/5/24

No chance anyone pays £50m+ for Neto with his injury record. If someone does then snap their arm off.

posted on 8/5/24

Would agree with Neto if someone were to offer 40+ right now. Kilman as well if 25+ was guaranteed.

posted on 8/5/24

I think with Semedo and Sa entering the last year of their contracts then they are contenders to be sold and between them should bring in £20m. There has also been talk of Sarabia going. Trouble is with selling fringe players rather than one of our main assets is that it means we are knocking an even bigger hole in our very small squad. If we set a target of growing from 19 to 24 then selling 3 players along the way means we would need 8 new signings, which is quite a challenge and not cheap

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