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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 3968 of 4260

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 7/2/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 50 minutes ago
Would love to know how having a meeting and inviting Esther Ghey to the gallery is playing politics.

It's not Starmer's fault Sunak is a moron who has to stick to attack lines.

I found sunaks comments to be particularly grim, especially the way he was laughing.

He's not had a good week. The bet with piers and essentially openly mocking Brianna Ghey.

posted on 7/2/24

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted about an hour ago
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 50 minutes ago
Would love to know how having a meeting and inviting Esther Ghey to the gallery is playing politics.

It's not Starmer's fault Sunak is a moron who has to stick to attack lines.

I found sunaks comments to be particularly grim, especially the way he was laughing.

He's not had a good week. The bet with piers and essentially openly mocking Brianna Ghey.
That was pathetic and in awful taste too.

Massive fail.

posted on 7/2/24

Yet people in cult like fashion will defend in the indefensible. It's almost tribe like. I suppose Daily Mail readers and the like will turn their attention to Starmer having the audacity to invite Brianna's Mother in the first place.

To make a joke about transgender policy infront of a woman who's daughter has been murdered for being transgender. It's not even enough to simply apologise. But he's even refusing to do that.

How have we come to this. What's will it take to get people to have some decency, especially those in power. I suppose they are a product of our society as I think alot of people secretly share the same hatred.

One of my wifes uncles yesterday said "bomb the boats coming over". What even with kids on them? "yea was his reply". Scuuuum, but again a product of society the Daily Mail.

posted on 7/2/24

BREAK: Brianna Ghey's father has told Sky News that Rishi Sunak should apologise for his "degrading comments".

Peter Spooner said the PM's comments in parliament were "absolutely dehumanising".

Little Rishi in trouble

posted on 7/2/24

The rabid terfs have already decided that the parents are to blame for Brianna's death

posted on 7/2/24

Andrew Marr has just said that the biggest risk to Israel IS now Netanyahu

posted on 7/2/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted about a minute ago
Andrew Marr has just said that the biggest risk to Israel IS now Netanyahu
Did the Tory cuuunt just come across this revelation?

posted on 7/2/24

😑 FFS man

Yes, he was reacting to Netanyahu's rejection of a ceasefire and delusions about total victory. Basically saying that he's prolonging this war as a means to stay in power

posted on 7/2/24

Just caught up on Sunak. What an absolute pr 1ck. Every time I think he can't get any lower, he somehow manages it.

posted on 7/2/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 17 minutes ago
😑 FFS man

Yes, he was reacting to Netanyahu's rejection of a ceasefire and delusions about total victory. Basically saying that he's prolonging this war as a means to stay in power
Or to literally put every single Palestinian in the grave

posted on 7/2/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 18 minutes ago
Just caught up on Sunak. What an absolute pr 1ck. Every time I think he can't get any lower, he somehow manages it.
This has got to be the most evil Tory administration ever, I never lived through Thatcher but surely they weren’t this bad

posted on 7/2/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 23 minutes ago
😑 FFS man

Yes, he was reacting to Netanyahu's rejection of a ceasefire and delusions about total victory. Basically saying that he's prolonging this war as a means to stay in power
Whatever happened to the court cases he was facing just before this latest flare up of this 75+ year war?

posted on 7/2/24

EXCL: Keir Starmer will announce *tomorrow* that he's scaling back Labour’s flagship £28bn green investment plan following weeks of uncertainty.

Senior Labour sources tell us that he will pin decision on economic uncertainty caused by Tories.


What an absolute pusssy this bloke is as well, we’re literally lumbered with Trump or Biden politicians this year just like the yanks

posted on 7/2/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 18 minutes ago
Just caught up on Sunak. What an absolute pr 1ck. Every time I think he can't get any lower, he somehow manages it.
This has got to be the most evil Tory administration ever, I never lived through Thatcher but surely they weren’t this bad
Believe me, they were.

posted on 7/2/24

America just dropped a rocket on a car being driven by one of the Hashed leaders in central Baghdad.

posted on 7/2/24


posted on 7/2/24


Big story from @Effy_Yeomans and @Fhamiltontimes tonight

An alleged Russian spy lied to gain asylum in the UK before he worked for the Foreign Office, accessed British military and intelligence secrets and met with the future King

The refugee from Afghanistan is also said to have worked for GCHQ and MI6

He worked with two prime ministers and met Prince Charles and Prince William on visits to Afghanistan while working for the government



posted on 7/2/24

Due largely to an unexpected surge in immigration, the U.S. economy will be about $7 trillion larger - & federal revenues about $1T bigger - the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday


This should wind up the Tories

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 7/2/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 8 minutes ago
Due largely to an unexpected surge in immigration, the U.S. economy will be about $7 trillion larger - & federal revenues about $1T bigger - the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday


This should wind up the Tories

Butt butt they only send over there terrorists n rasaapists

posted on 7/2/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 8 hours ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
Imagine a headline that reads

"Keir Starmer can safely ignore Jewish community leaders" after a poll showing a massive drop in support from the Jewish community towards Labour.

There would rightfully be uproar, The Telegraph would retract and issue an apology, and the author would be labelled an anti-Semite.

Islamophobia is so ingrained into the fabric of our society that losing Muslim support is considered by Labour and others as "shaking off the fleas".

Why do you think that is Arab?
Because of racist rats like you
But why do you think Islam is disliked in the West more than any other faith?

posted on 7/2/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 8 hours ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
Imagine a headline that reads

"Keir Starmer can safely ignore Jewish community leaders" after a poll showing a massive drop in support from the Jewish community towards Labour.

There would rightfully be uproar, The Telegraph would retract and issue an apology, and the author would be labelled an anti-Semite.

Islamophobia is so ingrained into the fabric of our society that losing Muslim support is considered by Labour and others as "shaking off the fleas".

Why do you think that is Arab?
Because of racist rats like you
But why do you think Islam is disliked in the West more than any other faith?
Perhaps it's the only major religion remaining that people still follow properly and the West wants to get rid of religion altogther

posted on 7/2/24

comment by 50 No longer trusting the process (U1147)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 8 hours ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
Imagine a headline that reads

"Keir Starmer can safely ignore Jewish community leaders" after a poll showing a massive drop in support from the Jewish community towards Labour.

There would rightfully be uproar, The Telegraph would retract and issue an apology, and the author would be labelled an anti-Semite.

Islamophobia is so ingrained into the fabric of our society that losing Muslim support is considered by Labour and others as "shaking off the fleas".

Why do you think that is Arab?
Because of racist rats like you
But why do you think Islam is disliked in the West more than any other faith?
Perhaps it's the only major religion remaining that people still follow properly and the West wants to get rid of religion altogther
That would be the dream

But doubt they want to get rid of it. America loves a war or conflict $$$ and these religion believing nutcases cause the majority of the conflict

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 7/2/24

Zionism fuels Islamophobia


Don't forget that Islamophobes like Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray are funded by Zionists.

posted on 7/2/24

comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 8 minutes ago
Zionism fuels Islamophobia


Don't forget that Islamophobes like Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray are funded by Zionists.

And antisemitism is rife within our Uni’s. Jewish students now feel unsafe.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 8/2/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 48 minutes ago
comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 8 minutes ago
Zionism fuels Islamophobia


Don't forget that Islamophobes like Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray are funded by Zionists.

And antisemitism is rife within our Uni’s. Jewish students now feel unsafe.

What is this "antisemitism"?

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