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Sell them

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comment by Herbie (U7136)

posted on 27/8/17

The season was a right off the moment Wenger signed another new deal.

posted on 27/8/17

I am not sure what earnings have to do with ability. I know people at work who earn a lot and dont do much. Ozil has his uses especially against weaker teams.Wenger just misuses him as he does with other players.

Who cares what Kane or Eriksen earns!!!

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 27/8/17

If we have offered Ozil the type of money we have been hearing then it's a disgrace, same goes with Oxlade.

posted on 27/8/17

I wouldn't have agreed with you before the game but watching it I felt the exact same thing. We won't compete for anything this season including a CL place so what do we get out of keeping these players?

We may aswell sell and pocket the cash for the future. The worry for me is if we sell Wenger will go and buy more Xhaka's and Mustafi's with the cash

posted on 27/8/17

I have never been a manager, just a fan and enthusiast but I called for the likes Mane, Wayama and VVD (when the duo were at Southampton )and the Dutch man was at Celtic to be bought
Yet this clown, this fraud called Wenger keeps abject players like Walcott, Ramsey, and recruited Gabriel.
Any other manager with pride would have resigned today.
Sad. Very very sad.

posted on 27/8/17

Ozil sums up everything wrong with Arsenal. Since he has arrived our Mf has been blown apart by every big team.

They you have wengers blind faith in him. He should never start away from home against the big teams but for some reason Wenger continues to persist with this flop

comment by Bestie (U1113)

posted on 27/8/17

I've just grown so indifferent to us being awful, it's depressing. Of course the biggest problem is the management but the lack of effort from some of the players was absolutely disgraceful. Switched off after the second goal because it was clear we'd thrown the towel in.

comment by Dux (U6467)

posted on 27/8/17


I'll take this.

posted on 27/8/17

Your deluded though. You will be telling us how world class they all are in a few weeks. Your opinions change like the English weather.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 27/8/17

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 29/8/17

I was at the fooking game (what a result for my first away trip in years btw), and the players had no fooking clue what they were doing, and nobody on the pitch was willing to change things either.

Before the game, I wanted to keep our best players, even if they were to go on a free transfer. Now, there's just no point. Get rid of everyone who wants to leave, and please don't facking invest it in any of these statsdna bs players.

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