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These 54 comments are related to an article called:

Time Is Up. Chamberlain Has To Go.

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posted on 29/8/16

Wilshere hasnt stagnated, just needs to play more games including Ox.

I would loan out Ox and probably keep Theo who I was desperate for us to sell.

Iwobi is another that could do with a loan but maybe we should hang on to him for another season.

posted on 29/8/16

Said years ago that he needed a loan move or two to progress and I was laughed at. If he plays week in, week out then he can still progress into a fantastic player.

Unfortunately, we need results and if he's going to be detrimental to that then we can't give him the game time he needs.

posted on 29/8/16

Ox and Walcott are championship players or at best yo yo team level.....Norwich, Newcastle hull type of team.

posted on 30/8/16

The OX has been a HUGE disappointment.

I knew when I first saw him that little Theo would never be world class because he can't run with a ball and properly control it - but The Ox seemed to have it all - and yet his final ball/shot is atrocious in live games.
Little Theo is clearly out performing him so far this season even though he is so limited

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