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Browse: Football  Championship  QPR 
Article Rating 4 Stars

Wiv a bottle n brick and a walking stick...

That was the chant from many years ago sung to the "Hi, ho" tune (dwarfs song). Coventry v Q.P.R. fixtures down the years ave seen a fair amount of trouble and wiv 4,000 plus R's fans in attendance dis Saturday will probably be no different. However the important action will be on the pitch. In my umble opinion the Sky Blues ave been punching above their weight. Thats why i'm confident of an away win and wood consider a drawer a bad result. Just a mention about dare stadium.......it's named the Building Society Arena.....classy, i don't fink.

posted on 19/1/22

Enjoy and stay safe😉

posted on 19/1/22

Alas i'm not going but oping to enjoy all three points.

posted on 20/1/22

Well Blackburns "run" as come to an end. Maybe day don't andle pressure well. With Ben Diaz probably offski at the end of the month one wonders if they'll still be in the top six at the end of March.

posted on 22/1/22

Early team news is ard to come by. I'm wondering about Gray and Barbet.

posted on 22/1/22

Back in August last year we saw Coventry off 2-0 wiv goals from Dykes and Barbet. I'll settle for the same dis sfternoon.

posted on 22/1/22

Gray and Barbet both start so a repeat of the August match is possible.

posted on 22/1/22

Ha,ha......i'll ave to lay off the Liffey water......meant to say Dykes and Barbet both start although Gray does stary ss well.

posted on 22/1/22

Another three points and to be onest i expected nuffin less.

posted on 22/1/22

I was amused at some of the after match comments on the B.B.C. site. "you were lucky today", "we dominated and outplayed you", "we created sooo many chances" etc. I'm not sure these folks know owt about the game of football. It's about scoring goals,gettin the ball over the goal line. Stop whining and bleating and just accept you were only good enuff to score one.

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