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Article Rating 3 Stars

Mascareno and Suarez

Are they the dirtiest players or what? Leave Pepe to one side, these two make him look like a saint!

Mascareno almost commits a dirty tackle every 60 seconds and Suarez rolls around anytime he's touched!

Suarez has talent but he's really the epitomy of everything that is bad in this game.

Contrast that with MBappe. Refreshing young player gets on with his game and doesn't do somersaults.

Contrast Mascareno with Kante, not picking France but this player does a better job than Mascareno but without being 100 percent dirty.

posted on 1/7/18

comment by 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆�... (U18355)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by FieldsofAnnieRd (U18971)
posted 21 minutes ago
I’d have Neymar over Suarez for the rolling all over the place the minute he’s touched. The one the other day was funny


posted on 1/7/18

comment by Neo (U9135)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by Mr Chelsea. (U3579)
posted 2 hours, 28 minutes ago

Another clueless article from MoreSpunk
That name always gets me

posted on 1/7/18

comment by Tu Meke Nketiah (U3732)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 24 minutes ago
Alli is by far the biggest cheat in football


But he's 'our' cheat?

posted on 1/7/18

Masch just looks past it, too slow now to get around like he used to in that midfield role, his body seems a few seconds behind his brain and hes always late. He is 34 and playing in China now? Have to question why he was picked. But then again Aguero was left on the bench and Rojo picked.

comment by RJC (U17308)

posted on 1/7/18

The ref in last nights match was absolutely superb and may be the best refereeing performance I have ever seen or can remember at least. He ignored all the play acting, didn't dish out any cards and did everything right. I hope he gets the final as it was so refreshing to see someone keep the game flowing much to the chagrain of the likes of Suarez who is a fantastic player but a complete embarrassment of a professional.

posted on 1/7/18

Absolute sharticle that is everything to do with the club these players played for and nothing to do with reality.

posted on 1/7/18

Maschareno wasn't dirty enough against France. Do you really want France to win it all?

posted on 1/7/18

Goofy will bite somebody and then fall over holding his teeth as if he is the victim, he`s the lowest of the low

posted on 1/7/18

Uggland is lower
C'mon Columbia!

posted on 1/7/18

I dunno Billy.

I'd probably go:

Pol Pot
Fred West
Ted Bundy

and THEN Suarez but I can see where you're coming from.

Goofy btw, again brilliant. A cartoon character famed for clumsiness and derided as a figure of fun. Do you have a blog I could follow?

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