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Browse: Boxing  Light weight 
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Wow... What do you think? I haven't seen a challenger win so emphatically for a vet long time!

This boy could be on for big things...

posted on 2/3/14

Anyway stop hijacking this thread.

Crawford, very talented boxers could go a long way in the sport and has some big fights ahead of him

I would like to see Crawford vs Garcia

posted on 2/3/14

Or Gamboa next

posted on 2/3/14

That isnt true even Pacquiao fans got sick of you.

posted on 2/3/14

Crawford vs Garcia for me.

posted on 2/3/14

comment by D4thincarnation (U2520)
posted 6 hours, 50 minutes ago
Anyway stop hijacking this thread.

Crawford, very talented boxers could go a long way in the sport and has some big fights ahead of him

I would like to see Crawford vs Garcia
Yeah but could he be better than SRR...

posted on 2/3/14

Crawford ain't all that, last night he beat a guy who looked like his bottle had gone, that plate in his jaw has clearly affected him, Crawford looked good in spurts but that's because Ricky wasn't throwing anything bk and just backtracked ever time Crawford attempted a shot, would like to see how Crawford handles a decent fighter who won't run at the 1st punch he throws

posted on 2/3/14


Burns had early success with his jab, but as the fight grew he didn't want to throw it as he was very weary of the counter and once Ricky rethought his game plan there was just no way forward for him! It's the simple science that you cannon thing a moving target...

For Crawford to come to an intimidating crowd and put on that patience and tactical type of performance against the title holder, spoke of a real champion for me!

I haven't seen anyone with the skills and confidence that he has in a very long time....

The hard work starts now for him and as for Ricky... I would like to see him get the rematch after being the champion for so long!

Perhaps in America?

posted on 2/3/14

Cannot hit a moving target even

posted on 2/3/14

Crawford dominated Burns from the 3rd round onwards, and bullied him inside and out. It was an impressive performance in front of a partisan crowd.

Burns is on the slide though, but I was impressed with Crawford.

posted on 2/3/14

Totally agree with everything there Paisley

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