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Can Mata have the "Ozil effect"?

Very exciting transfer, probably our best for a good few years. I know we have other problem areas in the team but I feel Mata will give the club a lift as a whole.

This isn't a compare with Ozil article, but to look at the effect he had on Arsenal. They didn't really need another AM but bought in Ozil, a world-class player and look at the effect it's had on them this season.

Players like Ramsey and Giroud have gone from strength to strength this season with Ozil being key to that. Can Mata have the same effect on the likes of Cleverley and Hernandez?

People ask where he will fit into our side but playing alongside van Persie and Rooney he will interchange behind the striker. Often I've been watching over the last couple of seasons wishing for that extra bit of creativity when we are pushing forward rather than the play down the wings strategy so I'm looking forward to see how we play now.

We have had a bad run this season but with our key players coming back from injury and Mata signing I feel we can really push on now and hopefully move higher up the table.

posted on 25/1/14

To address the OP I think it could do.

I think the Ozil signing had effect that Players like Ramsey and Giroud have gone from strength to strength this season with Ozil being key to that
Not Giroud. He's still shìt.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 25/1/14

I didn't say Giroud has been awesome, just better than last season.

posted on 25/1/14

Mata will have more beneficial effect than Ozil.
Ozil is a an out and out mercenary and he has this pay and play attitude. Mata loves football and has natural ability beyond most players. He was top player at a club that bought expensive players. Tells you all you need to know that

Sitting behind RVP, I cannot see a better provider in the league other than Silva, his countryman the one guy keeping Mata out of the Spanish squad.
This is a good purchase for Moyes

But he needs to sort out his tactics. Playing Kagawa, Cleverley and or Jones in the middle hasn't worked well for him.

comment by SS1878 (U4167)

posted on 25/1/14

I hope he doesn't have özil effect. We can't afford mata to go missing in big games.

posted on 25/1/14

Knowing our luck he'll get injured.

posted on 25/1/14

comment by Stretty - the messiaaah MATA 7 (U3123)
posted 27 minutes ago
Ozil had that effect because he fits in their system.

I have strong reservations about whether mata will.

I have no doubt he is and will be for us a world class player.

But that depends on whether moyes has tha testies to change the system. Then we could see the best of kagawa as well.
I have the same worries.

You saw in the last game that intelligent players need intelligent players to be effective. Kagawa and Januzaj had a field day when it came to Sunderland in terms of creating space and putting in great passes, but weren't brilliant in producing the same with anyone else. They need to be on the pitch together.

Imagine Mata on the pitch, with Young and Valencia on either side of the wings and Welbeck up front. He may as well, just give up.

posted on 25/1/14

It will shock people how mata will become a rich mans nani in our team. Don't expect much.

comment by Saggy8 (U19042)

posted on 25/1/14

Can Mata have the same effect on the likes of Cleverley and Hernandez?


posted on 25/1/14

He can on Hernandez. He can't on Cleverely.

posted on 25/1/14

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