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I rarely venture off of the football boards but I was looking for boards about general working out and this is the closest I have found. As per the title of the article I wanted to ask if anyone does P90X or any of the Beachbody products?

posted on 2/5/12

p90x is good but it is very hard work
the results speak for themselves though
maybe 10 minute trainer is more your speed

posted on 4/5/12

^ Are you saying I don't push myself in the gym or something ?

posted on 6/5/12

p90x? Dont know much about that.

I just do whatever tickles my fancy at the gym because I enjoy it I dont care too much about how the results look. Only thing I take seriously is leg workouts.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 6/5/12

You should check it out Edin, you can get awesome results and you dont even have to leave your own home!

posted on 6/5/12

Looks good but very nutrition orientated.

Also dont think I could do that and play football or bball 3/4 times a week though.

Surely drinking sc/rews over the affects of it?

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 6/5/12

Of course, my alcohol tolerance is pretty poor now but Im in much better shape.

Its nutrition orientated because people use it to get fit quickly. I am more realistic and know its a long term thing so I have the odd off day but Im still getting the results.

posted on 6/5/12

So its more fitness related? I wont do that then, I am fit enough just not strong enough. I would never in my life go to the gym/ for a run to get fit. Thats what playing bball/football 4 times a week is for.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 7/5/12

It covers everything Edin, it alternates resistence workouts with more cardio.

The upperbody stuff is very intense and you can build serious muscle doing it.

posted on 7/5/12

^My reservation about these though is it's extremely difficult (some say impossible) to put mass on and lose fat at the same time (as 1 requires a caloric excess and another requires a deficit).

Yet people in the "transformations" appear to do it in 60 days

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 7/5/12

90 days.

Also they even tell you in the booklet to choose between losing weight or gaining muscle, not both.

Or course if you are working out 6 days a week you will get some lean muscle but its more about watching your diet and dropping fat.

Or you are eating more calories to gain muscle.

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